46/60 - 60/90
In the world of baseball, ascending through the ranks isn’t just about stepping onto bigger fields, it’s a deeper commitment to the sport that grows with each level. Inspired by the nostalgic cult classic The Sandlot, and the feeling of "falling in love" with something , my series 46/60-60/90 was created.
This series captures the unwavering devotion to the sport of baseball, spanning from Little League to teenage players.
This past summer, I had the privilege of revisiting the little league field where I once spent countless summers as a child, and had the opportunity to photograph the baseball players. I wanted the portraits of the younger players to feel unfiltered, and true to their personalities. They posed however they felt in the moment, and in that spontaneity, I was able to capture the purity of their early love for the game.
For the older players, I adopted a more documentary style that was about the grit and intensity of the game in action. These images contrast the innocence of youth with the ruggedness of growing up. As we grow, we encounter challenges, set backs, and failures that shape who we become. Sports, in particular, allow children to learn these lessons at an early age, I believe through this, it builds character, wit, and stamina, it tears you down, to build you back up. The photographs are a visual dialogue between two worlds, one of the untainted joy of Little League and the other seasoned determination and weathered spirits of teenage athletes.
Baseball, often called America's Pastime, carries a sense of nostalgia and seriousness. My photographs capture the innocence of its beginnings and the complexity of its evolution. Through this juxtaposition of portraits and documentary moments, I hope to offer a glimpse into the dedication, sweat, tears, and persistence it takes to live and breathe this sport.